Today, I tried braising some chicken to go with some mashed potatoes and a simple salad. Braising can be difficult, as you need the temperature to be just right and leaving the meat in the liquid for too long can easily turn it from tender to tough. The flavor of the white wine and rosemary were somewhat overpowered by the lemon, but I think it turned out okay overall and have definitely learned how to better approach it next time.

Definitely the most delicious portion of tonight’s meal was the mushroom dip. You start by pureeing chopped garlic and mushrooms in a food processor. You then add cream of mushroom soup and heat it over the stove. As it warms, you gradually add cream cheese until smooth. Once finished, you can salt and pepper to taste and add a small amount of tabasco sauce and/or sprinkled paprika powder for additional flavor. It works great with toasted French bread or tortilla chips.
We’ll definitely be having it again
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