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にほんブログ村 ←ぽちっとお願いしますm(__)m

【夫】Tex-Mex Tacos


I made tacos for dinner last night. They were more Tex-Mex than actual Mexican tacos, but the many different kinds of vegetables together with the cheese really make for a tasty combination. Unfortunately, I picked an avocado that was way too hard (there weren’t very many to choose from), so the guacamole didn’t turn out so well. When picking avocados, you should always pick one that is somewhat soft (has some give) when you squeeze it. I think that is a much better indication of ripeness than the color.

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The key to tacos is to leave all of the ingredients in separate dishes, so that each person can build their own once they find what combination tastes best to them or try different combinations with each one. We once again used some peppers from our garden, which added a nice bit of spice to the

にほんブログ村 ←ぽちっとお願いしますm(__)m