


にほんブログ村 ←ぽちっとお願いしますm(__)m

【夫】Stuffed Pork Tenderloin


Today was the wifey’s birthday as well as our 2nd anniversary, so I wanted to cook something nice for her. This is one of her favorite dishes, which she likes to call “pork something (ポークなんとか)”. It’s basically pork tenderloin stuffed with a basil pesto and cheese mixture, as well as mushrooms, garlic and broccoli.

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For the side dishes, I went with a simple mushroom, shrimp and garlic sautee as well as some steamed broccoli and garlic toast.
To top it off, we opened a nice bottle of Chianti and some raspberry/strawberry mousse (didn’t make that one!) and had the makings of a very nice dinner at home.
Happy Birthday & Happy Anniversary!
Love you, baby!

にほんブログ村 ←ぽちっとお願いしますm(__)m